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The earth was not flat because everyone believed it was. The earth is round because it is round. Science progresses and medical achievements occur because we base our actions on evidence. Paul urges Titus to teach sound doctrine because it is liberating and life multiplying. The record of the fall is that a lying narrative produces death. The witness of current events is that making up your own ‘truth’ causes society to implode.


As Believers we are free to be who we are in Christ but never free to invent our own gospel. We do ourselves a service to discover what God has done in Christ, how this accomplishment affects our lives today and in the present and who we have become as a result of the cross.


The primary effect of the cross is the incarnation – God manifest in you and in us all. Myk Habets writes,

“Only by means of the incarnation does God join us to his Son in order for men and women to enjoy the benefits of salvation in Christ. The sole access to the Father is through Christ the Son, made possible by faith which is the operation of the Spirit.” (1)

The benefit of Christ is not just being saved. It’s being made sons of God by definition and by the living out of His Person as Bob and Mary.


Spiritual regeneration, the life that comes to heal and create us in Christ’s image comes from Jesus Himself. Not from religion or a list of virtues. The fruits of the Spirit are the result of Christ as us. Not a new form of moral program. The incarnation is what Paul called Christ our life. This is our life in the Spirit and it is our full humanity and righteousness.

‘But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness’ Rom 8.10 NIV. This is not about eternal life in the never-never. It’s about eternal and infinite life in us every day. We can be a sincere Believer, yet be a dead person walking because our spirit is not alive and because our soul is dormant.

‘He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit’ Titus 3.5 NIV.

(1) Habets, Myk. The Anointed Son: A Trinitarian Spirit Christology (Princeton Theological Monograph Series Book 129) (p. 245). Pickwick Publications, an Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers. Kindle Edition.