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The beauty of our Father is seen in the witness of Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of our Father. The nature of God is revealed in precise accuracy in the person of Jesus Christ. But not only this. The real nature of you and who you are becoming is seen in Jesus Christ. He is The Mirror of our Father and of you.


The amazing fact of existence is that life is a person – the person of Jesus Christ.


Thus, Jesus is truth and way. Truth as it concerns God and truth is it discerned in everything else. But more than this. Jesus is the truth as it concerns your relationship with God. He is your relationship with God.

We must take the words ‘Christ our life’ literally and live them as a state of being if we are to become discerning in the matters of life and be spirit and life. This is as simple as saying to the Lord, ‘You are my life.’


What is the truth of the ages? It is this. Father delights in you and He is for you, never against you. Father is completely trustworthy and has your back. That’s the truth about Father. What about Jesus? Jesus is the exact representation of our Father and the truth of who you are becoming. But more than this Jesus represents you absolutely. He is personally your vicarious representative in all things God. He is you. Thus the words, ‘This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased’ are words addressed to you.


The wonderful Fatherhood of God is complimented by the astonishing sonship of you. You were created as a son/daughter. You have been redeemed into an ever -expanding experience of being a son/daughter of God in spirit and in truth. ‘Now we are the sons of God.’ Not one day we will be sons. Our sonship begins in spirit and in truth the moment we decide that Jesus is to be our life. As He said, ‘Lose yourself to find yourself.’

We diminish ourselves if we settle for becoming a compilation of good character features. Go for who you are – a son/daughter of God. As such you will be who sons are and do what sons do.


In old covenant religion you are in Adam. In the new covenant you are never in religion. You are in God and He is in you. Never again a notional son. Now always a son/daughter in spirit and in truth.

Jesus, our Father and Holy Spirit must be viewed through the Jesus lens to be seen as they are. To look through this window and walk through this door is to begin a journey of expanding revelation that lasts forever.

In every form of law-derived Christianity, you meet a wall and come to a stop. You are in a lesser realm of boxes and compartments all formed by the knowledge of good and evil.

With Jesus as your life you are living infinity. And not something and nothing. No walls here. Just endless understanding, boundless creativity and human development. You have become spirit and life.


The new birth is synonymous with new covenant life.

To persist in a law-bound gospel is an implicit refusal to be set free as a captive. SUCH OBSTINACY extends the fall beyond its time. It binds us in an inferior identity and marries us to cunningly devised fables and doctrines of demons.

These niggardly assumptions foment the fear and dread seeded into the soul by the Father of Lies. In the law we cannot know God as He is or ourselves as we have the potential to become.


Law-culture suffocates the flame of wisdom and revelation that is found only in the truth of Christ our life. God cannot and will not be known through the law. This is why He sent His Son to reveal Himself and us as we are: The Kings and priests of God. Baxter Kruger writes,


“This is the problem of sin. The impossible has happened: The truth about the Father is eclipsed. The unforgettable love of the triune God is now forgotten, so forgotten that it is now inconceivable. A profound blindness has taken over Adam’s mind. He cannot see the Father’s face. There is now a terrible incongruence between the being and character of God as Father, Son, and Spirit and the divine being Adam perceives and believes God to be. And for Adam, and indeed for all of us, the god of our imaginations is the only way God can be.” (1) But not when Christ is us.


Not if Christ is your life! Not if you have followed Jesus beyond death into the realm of resurrection and life. Not if the light of the world is in you and you are in the light. Not if Christ is you and Jane and Harry. Not if Christ is us and we really are the Body of Christ instead of clinging to specious definitions and tendentious rationalisations!


We need to start REALISING. Once we REALISE and believe we will rise from the dead and live as sprightly LIVE men and women walking this life. REALISE this and live it now: ‘REALIZE that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you’ John 14.20 NIV.

(1) Kruger, C. Baxter. Across All Worlds: Jesus Inside Our Darkness (Kindle Locations 676-682). Perichoresis, Inc. Kindle Edition.