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‘The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life’ John 6,63 NIV.

Jesus appeared in Mary’s body by incarnation. The mystery was that the fullness of God was born in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. That’s the incarnation part one. The incarnation part two is Christ in you. Christ your life is just as real as Christ in Mary’s womb. Christ has come in your flesh when you believe He has. To live this way is to accept Jesus’ invitation to be our way, our truth and our life. His Spirit in you is direct. He lives to reveal His true self to you and form you into your true self.

‘Realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you’ John 14.20. Christ’s oneness with Father is your oneness with Father. Live in this and enjoy being an authentic daughter/son of God.


Some folks are very much alive in spirit and outlook. Their person is not just there. They are alive in what John named spirit and life. This is the life that Jesus was on account of being one with His Father. It’s our life too when we live in oneness with Him.

In what we call the world, some folk take satisfaction in having mastered the economic system. But many have no real inner self, and no inner life to speak of. We can be like this as Christians if religion rather than Jesus is our life. We need to know that our Christ-life is not a religion and its routines. It’s the person of Jesus with us and in us. This oneness is closer than a marriage. In a good marriage we become one flesh and grow together in spirit. As the Bride of Christ, we are woven into Christ and are joined to the Family of God as a result.

‘Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them’ John 14.23 NIV. Jesus’ teaching is that He is our life.

What we worship is what we put our faith in. Who we value is who we become. We can give religious talks and have some effect because we released a few drops of life. But we can have more effect in our sphere in oneness with Jesus because we are alive and are releasing His spirit and life.


What we believe makes a big difference to our lives. Particularly about God and ourselves. We can specialise in dryness because that is the gospel our parents taught us. Or we can have a lively, flourishing soul because we have taken the initiative to move beyond religion to Christ our life.

At a family gathering I attended this year a man said to me, ‘Jesus Christ is Everything.’ He was right about that. He is not an add-on to our beliefs. He is everything. If Jesus is our life and not some figure of our religion we can expect to be truly alive. If He is not, we will not know that we are dead. This is why we need a real Christ and not a false christ of the kind that results from our imaginations and the bad teaching of false gospels.


Jesus spoke words of spirit and life because He was spirit, and He was truly alive. In Jesus you are a life-giving spirit because Christ has come in your flesh. But the kind of flesh you have – by which I mean the nature of your being - depends, on the kind of Christ you envision. A christ who is a construct of the law is a false christ.


A christ who is the product of the law is a different christ to a Christ who is the Christ of God. A christ thought to be subordinate to the law with the role of Upholder of the Law is less than the Christ of God and is actually a false christ.

Jesus’ glory was oneness with His Father. Jesus was one with Father, subordinate to His Father and the expression of His Father. If Jesus was subordinate to the law, He was not God and the law was god. But abstractions are never God, much less the Christ of God. The reduction of Jesus to a figure of the law is a serious heresy and a false gospel that produces wooden people from the dead tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Jesus asserted that He and His Father were one. Because they were. Jesus lived out of His Father. He came to reveal His Father as He was and lived to proclaim Himself as the way to our Father.

Jesus is the truth about the truth and the life that is life which is real and unlimited. John wrote of Jesus as the logos – the One in whom all things find their meaning and purpose and He in which all things hold together. Ray Anderson asserts that, “Everything that God is, is revealed to us through Jesus.” (1)


If we have adopted a jesus who lives to support the law we have embraced a figure who did not bring the knowledge of good and evil to a halt, but a figure who sustains the tree of death in a perverse gospel. Such a christ is a false christ.

The truth is better than this aberration. Jesus undid Adam and all he began and replaced him with Himself as the new Father of the human race. Thus, our lives are now in God through Jesus Christ.

‘On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you’ John 14.20 NIV.

(1) Anderson, Ray; Colyer, Elmer; Dawson, Gerrit; Deddo, Gary; Kettler, Christian; Kruger, Baxter; McKenna, John; McSwain, Jeff; Newell, Roger; Young, Paul. Trinitarian Conversations, Volume 1: Interviews With Ten Theologians (You're Included) (p. 4). Grace Communion International. Kindle Edition.

(2) Anderson, Ray; Ibid (p. 4). Grace Communion International. Kindle Edition.