A sound mind and sound ideas are the hallway to truth. Truth is the avenue to freedom and life. Grace is not an excuse to subsist in our own truth. It’s an opportunity to grow into Jesus’ Truth.
Much of the healing ministry today involves healing Believers of the disease of bad ideas. We live to impart life by replacing bad doctrine with Christ’s truth and Life. A full life is found in the Christ of God, in His gospel of the Kingdom and in a correct view of who we are – the sons of God as a result of the redeeming work of God to establish who we actually are: The daughters and sons of God.
Base your Christian thinking on theologians of substance. I say substance speaking of those whose commitment is to Jesus and His truth. Those in whom loyalty to Him is unconditional. It’s not diluted by additional loyalties such as their own influence or that of the Christian Industry or the need to pump up their parents religion. Trustworthy ministers are not marketing religion. No one could ever accuse them of bias since their only bias is to the truth of God - otherwise known as this gospel of the Kingdom.
Apostolic teachers are just as much healers as those who heal eyes and ears.
Healing limbs and bodies is not the only kind of healing. There are people whose organs and limbs are healed whose inner disease, the disease of spirit and soul, remains unhealed. Unhealed because the religion that they have been taught to own is one that assumes separation from God.
But you and Father are already one.
The words ‘Keeping close to Jesus’ are indicative of the embedded view that we must ‘do religion’ to overcome the distance between God and ourselves. But the truth is that Jesus is in us and with us and that the entire trinity is incarnated in our being. This is why Jesus and all apostolic teachers urge Believers to “Realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” John 14.20 NIV. This our new testament reality. It is our daily reality. It is our state of being despite our failures or our victories. Get this. Jesus accepts you as you are. Not as you should be.
“The transcendent God who is the free ground of his own eternal Being is none other than the very one who has shown us his face in the Jesus Christ and imparted to us his one Spirit.” (1)
We are one with God by the One Spirit, one substance with God by Jesus Christ – the nature of our substance is our sonship. We are sons and daughters of God in spirit and in truth – not because we have done anything but because we have BEEN INCLUDED.
The informed message of today is this. You are in Christ. Everyone belongs. Repentance consists in denying the separationist lies that come from the Enemy and marketers of religion and agreeing that God has already drawn you into His life. Your already belonging is the starting point of the healing of your soul.
‘He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life’ 2 Cor 3.6 NIV.
(1) Torrance, Thomas F.. The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three Persons (T&T Clark Cornerstones) (p. 16). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.