01/01/21 09:22
Happy new year!
‘The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life’ John 6.63 NIV. Spirit and life is the life of the trinity in us. Spirit and life is what makes sonship real rather than theoretical. Spirit and life is the substance of God in you. Spirit and life is God gracing you with Himself in you.
Moralism is a misguided version of our inheritance in Christ. This is not to say that a non-degraded life is not important. It is not as important as union with God. The union with God that is ours in Christ is the oneness that makes us alive in God’s life – oneness of the kind that was revealed in Christ as spirit and life – and the oneness that as Christ in us heals our being and drives out sin. Genuine Kingdom Life is not an improved version of the knowledge of good and evil. It’s the life all can live in the union with God that us already ours.
‘For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!’ Rom 5.10 NIV.
This life is Christ our life. Myk Habets following Thomas Torrance observes that, “Reconciliation thus refers to the real participation of believers in the divine nature made possible by the dynamic atoning union of Christ. Torrance contends this is atonement in effect.
“As a result of the incarnation, humanity is united to divinity in the hypostatic union so that: In the Church of Christ all who are redeemed through the atoning union embodied in him are made to share in his resurrection and are incorporated into Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit as living members of his Body…
“Thus, it may be said that the ‘objective’ union which we have with Christ through his incarnational assumption of our humanity into himself is ‘subjectively’ actualised in us through his indwelling Spirit, ‘we in Christ’ and ‘Christ in us’ thus complementing and interpenetrating each other.”
Christ our life is the real source of Godliness and emancipation from sin. Simply because God graces us by sharing His life with us.
This interpenetration is genuine Godliness and authentic sonship. We are human beings made one with God and because God is woven into our being, we are made Godly. To be Godly is to be alive with infinite life and be able to love as God loves.
Dualistic Christianity has its origins in Zoroastrianism and an on-going battle between good and evil. As such it is a mode of thought based on the frame of the knowledge of good and evil. It is non-christian and pagan.
The oneness that Jesus prayed for in John is ours. All things have been drawn into Christ. This is the now and the not yet of human history that began with the cross. If you believe the cross is real then the at-one-ment is real. Incarnation in our life begins with us treating it is the prime reality. Happy new year. Happy new life!
Reality is not divided. Paul says, ‘Reality is Christ.’ The notion of a great controversy between Christ and Satan should be regarded with scepticism. There is a devil and evil is real. But there are not two gods of equal or near equal power. Repent of notions of a small Jesus and a Big devil. Such an assumption is like Donald Trump’s lie that he won the election. The Enemy lost at the cross. In Christ you won. We all did. Because Christ is our life.