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Not a few Christians are unaware of the new covenant and what it means. They have been raised in the view that the Bible is a continuous whole even though it is divided into the new and the old testament (covenant). But it is not. Our life in Adam ended when Jesus cried ‘It is finished!’ and our life in Jesus began when Jesus rose from the dead. In the post cross age Jesus is our life. Separation is over and we and our Father are one.

People did not live in the Spirit before the cross. They could not because there had been no Christ and no incarnation. The incarnation is real today. Paul called it Christ in you.


If we have been socialised into an old covenant gospel we are likely to think that the anointing of the Spirit in the post cross age is simply a better manifestation of the Spirit that occurred before the cross. It is better by far but better because the law has been removed and christ has replaced the law with Himself - incarnated in our being and expressed as our person. We are now one with God, which we were not before the cross. Thus in the new testament you as a son/daughter of God are a manifestation of the trinity.


“Paul of Samosata emphasized the impersonal essence of the Spirit of God, which had been breathed into Jesus at his baptism; as a bearer of the Spirit Jesus was different from Moses and the prophets only by degree.” (1) Not so. Jesus was different because He was fully God manifest as a man.

Jesus was different because He was fully God. And different because He was fully human. Different too because He was one with our Father. It is this oneness that we now enjoy. Two lies of the post cross age are that Jesus came to mediate Himself to us by religion. The other is that we are separated from Christ and that we must live the kind of life that earns union with God. Not so. We are one with Christ and one with Father. This is where we are positioned and this is the launching pad that propels us from glory to glory.

This kind of faith is obedience, the opposite of the wrong-headedness that so often passes as Christian doctrine.

Thomas Torrance writes, ‘We must think of Jesus as stepping into the relation between the faithfulness of God and the actual unfaithfulness of human beings, actualising the faithfulness of God and restoring the faithfulness human beings by grounding it in the incarnate medium of his own faithfulness so that it answers perfectly to the divine faithfulness. Thus Jesus steps into the actual situation where we are summoned to have faith in God, to believe and trust in him, and he acts in our place and in our stead from within the depths of our unfaithfulness and provides us freely with a faithfulness in which we may share. He does that as Mediator between God and man.” (2)

God’s Gospel is better than our diluted renderings of it. The Gospel of Christ our life means that Jesus is actually our life in every possible way. We enter this life by agreeing with Christ and resting intentionally in the Sabbath rest that is His life as ours. This is the mediation of Christ.

(1) Habets, Myk. The Anointed Son: A Trinitarian Spirit Christology (Princeton Theological Monograph Series Book 129) (pp. 66-67). Pickwick Publications, an Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers. Kindle Edition.

(2) Thomas Torrance, The Mediation of Christ. P82.