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Many Believers are confused about what was accomplished by the cross. The cross is not primarily about eschewing evil and doing good. The cross is about our achieved union with God in Christ.

God does want us to live in nobility and purity. But this occurs via our union with God – and this is what the cross achieves: At-one-ment. In Jesus Christ we gain His union with God. This is what has been achieved by the cross. By the cross we are made one with God. As a result of the cross we are incarnated with God. Incarnated with God we are the expression of God. This is our life in the body in the spirit of sonship.


Jesus made a couple declarations that summarised His mission among us.

1. ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free’ Luke 4.18 NIV. He has good news for those whose poverty comes from their distorted gospels and bondage to the law. For those who purvey a distorted view of God, of themselves and the plan of salvation.

2. ‘The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life’ John 10.10 NIV. Other translations use the words ‘life without limit.’ Jesus imparts much more than ‘some life.’ He is life itself. By living in us He makes us alive. You will be the you were born to be when Jesus is your life.

3.’That all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me’ John 17.21 NIV. Jesus lives to heal our fractured being, heal social division in His person and empower society to live in oneness from oneness in Him. This happens as the oneness that is the trinity pervades our being.

All of the above are expressions of the new covenant, expressions of what Paul meant when He spoke of Christ our life. We may be sincere but are badly misguided if living from the law in the post cross age.


Michael Kepler writes “What do you suppose would win the award for bringing the most confusion about the true meaning of the gospel than anything else? One consideration that should be put on the nomination list is the mistake of mixing portions of these two covenants together and producing doctrines equivalent to a Christian casserole or “gospel goulash.” Unfortunately, this has been a foundational aspect of many church teachings. Since believers consider the Scriptures to be God’s written Word, it is often assumed that nearly everything within both covenants is meant for them in a direct, personal way. However, a mixed concoction of the two covenants together will lead to a diluted message of what was accomplished for us at the cross.”

Today you are not living from ‘obey and live.’ You are living from ‘I have made you one with Me to be alive.’

You do not earn acceptance with God by grace and works. You are received by God in the person of Jesus Christ. Father’s union with Jesus is your union. Jesus joined us to God in Himself because we are incapable of doing it or of earning it. We are not even capable of ‘keeping close to Jesus.’

God has made you part of His Communion in Jesus Christ. ‘Realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you’ John 14.20.