Francois Du Toit in a Facebook commentary on the fragmentation of the United States writes, [Dispensing with] "the Illusion of Separation" presents.. the most powerful solution to American politics - indeed, the [chaos of the] entire world of politics!
If you have discerned that ‘identity politics’ is a symptom social fragmentation, you are correct. When Paul portrays the Kingdom of God as all of us having our ‘being’ in the Christ of God.’ Paul is presenting the truth that the healing of the fragmented world is found in the person of Jesus Christ. But healing is in the Real Christ and His Real Gospel. In this Gospel all who believe in the Gospel of Jesus and the apostles are included in Christ who in all spheres ‘has made the two one’.
Francois continues,
“The assumption of separation between Jesus and us is, in my opinion, one of the fundamental failures of Western Christianity. The blind spot of separation begets and perpetuates a multitude of ‘us-them’ divisions, including and especially religious divisions, that are destroying our lives and the planet.
“Moreover, this assumption necessarily makes our faith a work we do that relates us to an absent Jesus, rather than a mind-boggling, liberating, hope-begetting discovery of the reality of his union with us and with all creation. [Be aware that ‘keeping close to Jesus’ is the basic christianity of many.]
“The apostolic Jesus is the Father’s eternal Son, and the One anointed in the Spirit, and he is the One in and through and by whom all things were created and are constantly sustained.
These three fundamental truths about Jesus Christ have rarely been held together with the incarnation. And failure here has fuelled the oppressive racial, relational, sexual, ecological, environmental, religious, and political and social hell we find ourselves in today.
We stand before the beautiful mystery of the very being of God. Three divine persons completely dwelling in one another in indivisible oneness without loss of distinct personhood— perichoresis [the divine dance]. Every act of God is therefore a trinitarian act, arising out of and involving the relationship, the indivisible oneness, of the Father, Son, and Spirit.” (1)
Simply put the oneness of the trinity has become the oneness of you and the oneness of us. This is the healing of the world.