Jesus bequeathed you an inheritance that is Christ your life. This is incarnation, meaning the trinity in you. In Jesus Christ come in your flesh the triune God expresses Himself as you. You live in God in the spirit of sonship. Read More…
The plan is that Christ becomes you and that Christ becomes us. The plan is that the logos – the Christ of God becomes the fabric of the new creation. Read More…
It's better to have the mind of Christ than the mind of religion which has a compulsion to make oneness with Christ something that we manufacture and earn. Read More…
We do not need to know that details and mechanics of our salvation to be saved but we always do better under Jesus's and Paul's Gospel rather than 'another gospel. Read More…
Dualism, which is implicit separation is implicit in religion but oneness with God - Christ your life is you living His Kingdom as an expression of HIs life. Read More…
There's a reason for the hostility of some governments and denominations to the humanities. They don't like people who can perceive the truth. Read More…